
Sleep Music

SLEEP – The most important part of begin healthy. You can eat healthy, work out, train at the gym, take every vitamin and still you will be unhealthy if you don’t sleep. You have tried everything to fall asleep but you can’t. Can sleep music actually help you?

sleep music

Sleep music

Using sleep music has been proven to help calm your racing mind so you can fall asleep moments after you go to bed. Sleep music can also help you stay asleep. Using tempo and sound sleep music is affective to helping you calm down and relax your mind before you go to sleep and while you are asleep. If you pay attention to your heartbeat while you are listening to different tempos of music then you will understand this concept.

Why is sleep so important?

  • Recharge your mind – A good sleep minimum of 7 hours will recharge your brain allowing your subconscious to process all the information throughout the day. Picture your mind as a washing machine. All day you throw laundry (the information) and when you sleep your mind will run the wash cycle. When you wake up in the morning all your laundry is done and ready to wear the next day.
  • Fights sickness – When you sleep your body gets to work fighting off any viruses or infections that may have found its way into the body. When you are asleep your body can then use its energy to fight off the intruder in your body.
  • Heals your muscles – When you are training you make little tears in your muscles. The body needs to use the nutrients you have put into your body to heal these muscles making them stronger. If you get the 8 hours you need of sleep you will find that your muscles heal faster and stronger getting rid of the soreness quicker than if you were to only sleep 4-6 hours. Sleep and muscles building go hand in hand.
  • Keeps your health in check – Sleep helps with keeping blood pressure in check. If you are sleep deprived areas that are affected are usually high blood pressure, heart attack and heart failure. Getting the right amount of sleep can aid in keeping you heart healthy.

Sleep music and meditation

Usually you can’t fall asleep or stay asleep it has to do with your brain activity. When you use calming sleep music with mediation this will relax the brain activity and put you more in a calm state. When you are in a calm state and add meditation you can steer your thoughts into a positive light and this will help you stay asleep longer. Without any anxiety or stress you can sleep normally.

Getting yourself ready for bed

If you don’t have a routine before your bedtime then your body wont know its time to start to relax and go to sleep. Using sleep music can help with this process. Create a routine you do about 30 minutes before bed time. Stay away from watching tv and other mind stimulates. Setting a schedule is key. You will then have a bed time when you body clock will automatically start relaxing in time for bed. A habit isn’t created overnight you have to create this over a period of no less than 21 days. Stick to this schedule and routine to see how much this can help you fall asleep.

Sleep apnea

When you are sleeping you have no idea what your sleep patterns are. If you share your bed with your partner they might shed some light on what your patterns are. If you have excessive snoring or move around a lot you might not be getting enough oxygen when you sleep. Snoring and moving around can be a sigh you have sleep apnea. You should definitely go through a sleep study and get the help you need. Now that you know what sleep deprivation can do to you book your appointment today. There are also products on the market today that can help you with your snoring until you can go get evaluated. If you snore you can be giving your partner a bad nights sleep as well. Don’t be selfish stop the snoring.

Sleep Music



Steps to helping you sleep better

  1. Create a bed time routine
  2. Do this routine for no less than 21 days straight
  3. Use sleep music to calm your brain
  4. Use meditation with sleep music to relax
  5. Try sleep remedies or programs to help you get your best nights sleep in years


Sunflower seeds nutrition

Looking for a quick snack or even really enjoy sunflower seeds right out of your garden? We will break down the benefits of eating these fruits from the sunflower.


Sunflower seeds nutrition


Sunflower seeds can be eaten raw or roasted. They have a black and white striped husk which you have to break away to find the seed.

Here are the nutrition facts and the benefits of eating sunflower seeds. This is based off of 1 ounce of sunflower seeds.

  • Protein 5.5 grams – Protein is the building blocks of your muscles. Through synthesis and exercised protein will build you muscle stronger and larger
  • Carbohydrates 6.5 grams – Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose which in turn is the energy your body needs to perform physical activity. If the energy isn’t used it can lead to weight gain.
  • Fiber 3 grams – Fiber is undigestible carbohydrates and helps regulate the sugar levels in the body, They are also a part of the digestive system acting like a broom to sweep out the digestive system,
  • Vitamin E – Vitamin E is a required vitamin to help many functions of many organs in the body. It also has antioxidant properties
  • Niacin – Known for treating high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Niacin can also reduce the risk of heart attack and slow narrowing of the arteries.
  • Vitamin B6 – Important to for normal brain development and keeping the nervous system and immune system health
  • Folate – Important in the formation of red blood cells and can treat certain types of anemia
  • Iron – Helps provide many functions of the body. Iron helps with general focus, energy and gastrointestinal processes. Iron also helps regulate body temperature.
  • Magnesium – Helps with crucial roles in the body. Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function, and energy production. Low levels of magnesium can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Zinc – This nutrient helps your immune system and metabolism function. Zinc is also important in healing wounds and helps with your senses of taste and smell.
  • Copper – This mineral helps carry out many important functions such as making energy, creating connective tissues and blood vessels. Copper also helps maintain and nervous and immune system. Copper is also important in brain development.
  • Manganese – This is a trace mineral that is found all over your body. The benefits of manganese is helping form connective tissue, creating bones, blood clotting and also helps with sex hormones.
  • Selenium – This is a component of various enzymes and proteins. The benefits of selenium is it helps make DNA and protects against cell damage.


As you can see there are many benefits to eating sunflower seeds. Just looking at the sunflower seeds nutritional value can show you the many benefits this seed can bring into your life.

Now that you are learning more about the different vitamins and minerals and their benefits you can see why supplementation is so important to living a healthy life. Eating healthier and knowing what you put into your body is essential to getting to the health level you need to be at.


ultra thermo keto

Is Ultra Thermo Keto the best keto pill on the market.

First you have to find out what is a Keto diet. We have written all about Keto vs Paleo.

Here is a snippit from our top 5 Keto diet pills

BCAA – Best BCAA for women, Best BCAA for men

What is BCAA? BCAA are branched chain amino acids. Branched chain is the chemical structure of the amino acids. Your body needs 20 essential amino acids meaning your body can not produce these amino acids on its own. The amino acids have to come from an outside source like from eggs, meat or dairy. You can also find these amino acids in protein powders, capsule of gummies. These 20 essential amino acids make up thousands of different proteins in the human body. Getting these amino acids or BCAA from an outside source can change the way your body recovers and builds muscles after you train.

Why do we need BCAA

  • Increase muscle growth. If you are working out regularly you need protein to help heal your muscles. This is called recovery. The more protein you put into your body the more the body has to work with to rebuild after the workout. With BCAA included into your protein source the better the recovery. The technical way it works BCAA leucine creates a pathway that stimulates muscle protein synthesis which is the term for making muscles. If mixing BCAA with whey protein you have a higher percentage of muscle synthesis making your muscle growth faster and better
  • Decreases muscle soreness. When you are at the gym and do your workout increasing your reps and weight you will feel sore usually 24 hours after your workout. This is great in a way since you know you have done the workout efficiently and will stimulate growth, however who wants to be sore after the gym? Now that we can go back to the gym with all these covid restrictions being lifted your inactivity, since we all sat around for a while, will be replaced with a great workout. Since we have been inactive for so long, we will feel the soreness. Using BCAA’s with your whey protein shake has been proven to decrease muscle damage making the recovery from a workout that much easier and less painful. It is suggested to take BCAA’s before a workout to speed up recovery time after an exercise or gym session
  • Reduce exercise fatigue. We all know this can really affect your workout. That one extra rep or one extra set can make a huge difference to your lifting experience. The harder you go the more you can lift in the future gym sessions. If we take muscle fatigue out of your gym session you can get those extra reps in a reap the rewards. Here is the way your body uses BCAA’s during an exercise. When BCAA decreases in your blood your body then creates tryptophan increase. We all know that from eating a lot of turkey during thanksgiving. When tryptophan is created it converts into serotonin. We all know once serotonin is introduced, we start losing momentum and start feeling sleepy. So, we have to counteract the loss of BCAA’s by supplementing them into the body before the workout.
  • Prevent Muscle Breakdown We are constantly breaking down and rebuilding muscles also known as synthesis. We balance this breakdown and rebuild by introducing protein in the muscle. The more protein the less breakdown that will happen. We have to introduce BCAA’s and protein to slow down the breakdown of the muscle. Breakdown happens naturally with age, so we need to introduce more protein and BCAA’s into the bod to halt this wasting of our muscles.
  • The last benefit is helping people with liver disease. We all don’t want liver disease, but studies have shown BCAA’s could possibly improve the function of the liver combatting cirrhosis. Now make sure to talk to your doctor before you decide this is the path you want to take. Studies have also shown that BCAA’s can offer protection against liver cancer.

  Want to learn more about the different kinds of protein? Check out this article about the different types of protein and the benefits from taking protein.  

Now that you know what BCAA’s can do for your body lets talk about how to deliver them into your body.

Ghost BCAA – A great alternative to sports drinks. Ghost BCAA delivers 7g vegan 2:1:1 BCAAS which breaks out to 3500MG Leucine, 1750MG Isoleucine 1750MG Valine. This powder also has Astragin improving your body’s ability to absorb key amino acids. It comes in 3 different flavors and is less than $1 a serving. It comes in a 30-serving size so you can get your month worth of BCAAs for under a dollar a day. That’s a steal!

GNC BCAA – This is also known as GNC Pro performance essential amino acid complete. This product comes in 4 flavors. At $30 a bottle that comes out to about $1 a day which is a great deal. Containing Leucine 2.5G, Isoleucine 1.25G, and Valine at 1.25g. This is another great way to introduce BCAAS into your body.

Walmart BCAA – Walmart doesn’t have their own brand of BCAA supplements, but they have a huge selection of products they carry. Since everyone has access to a Walmart this is a great place to pick up these supplements. You are looking for a 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine. While at Walmart also pick up some protein powder to get the best results from your workout.

Alani Nu BCAA – As a BCAA supplement it has the correct ration of Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. The difference is Alani Nu BCAA has gummies. No need to do a pre workout drink you can just pop a gummy right before you start your gym session. In 5 different flavors this is an essential to have in your gym bag. Support muscle recovery and get back to the gym faster with Alani Nu BCAA gummies.

Beyond Raw BCAA Beyond raw has stepped up their BCAA game by providing 8 different flavors of their Beyond Raw BCAA supplement. It also has 5G Leucine, 2.5G Isoleucine, 2.5G Valine composition. The price is a little more expensive at around $40 a container with 30 servings per container. With their flavor variety Beyond Raw is a great option to get your BCAAS without the bad flavor selection of other brands.   In summary taking a BCAA product with protein can help you see results sooner and get you that extra pump you need to enjoy your workout.

BCAA for women

It doesn’t matter if your a man or a woman. BCAA for women will help get you to your fitness goals faster. The lean muscle you build during your workout and supplementation with BCAA will give you the fat burning, muscle building nutrients you need to get to that body you always wanted. You can use any of the BCAA products mentioned above like Ghost BCAA or GNC BCAA. 

We are all in the same boat getting our bodies where we need them to be. Using specific supplements to get the results you need can play a huge factor to the results you see. Remember consult your doctor before taking any supplements.  


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Bellacova Cream

You are always trying to look your best. Taking vitamins, supppelements, excercising right? Sometimes we need help tp look our best. With age comes wisdom and also wrinkles and dry skin. What is there was a cream that can help fight these? Can Bellacova skin cream help with our gorwing age?

Lets talk about what is is in Bellacova cream and how it can help combat us getting older. Here are some of the incgredients and what they do to help our aging skin

  • Retinol
  • Avocado Oil
  • Aloe Extract
  • Paeonia Albiflora
  • Butylene alcohol

Why do you need these ingredients

Benefits of using a nmightly skin cream

What is ageless skin mean to you

Bellacova Skin cream review

Where can you get it


Male Ultracore

Looking to improve your sex drive?

Male enhancement supplements have been around for a while and they have helped plenty of males to improve their sexual performance. For various reasons, many men require to boost their sexual desire. Male enhancement supplements help you to get the needed boost in terms of high testosterone levels.

As a result, it elevates your energy levels, improves your blood flow, burns fat, and enhances your sex drive. Male enhancement supplements are designed to help you with sexual performance issues such as low libido and erectile dysfunction. Here are the top 5 male enhancement supplements, CVS brand that helps nourish your reproductive system and improves your overall sexual performance.



C4 Pre workout and nutrition facts

C4 Original Pre workout


C4 pre workout supplements is one of the most popular today, and it has been around for a long time. It was the first to use Arginine AKG and nitric oxide. Many other companies have since copied its formula, which contains creatine, beta-alanine, caffeine, and arginine AKG, among other ingredients, to help get better results in the gym. c4 pre workout supplements is one of the best because it has been around for a long time and has had lots of time to prove itself. It helps give better workouts, more energy, and endurance and is very affordable at only $20 for 30 servings, making this product perfect if for budgeters.



C4 pre workout can be found in a can at almost every gym I have been to and can also be bought in powder form so you can put it into your shaker bottle about 15 – 30 minutes before your workout. It is also one of the better tasting pre workouts on the market and with a bunch of flavors to choose from its a great fit into your workout regiment.



Need to know more about pre workout read this article about pre workouts..


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Pre workout supplements ingredients list

Jack3d Ingredients & Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1-3 Scoops (5.55g-16.65g)

Servings Per Container: 15-45

*Supplement Facts are based on 3 scoop serving

Proprietary Blend: 12,435mg

(Arginine ALpha-Ketoglutarate, Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine, Caffeine, 2-Aminoisoheptane HCI, Geranium Extract (stem & leaves), Yohimbe Extract (bark)(Standardized for Yohimbine Alkaloids)), Schisandra Chinensis (berry) Extract (Standardized for Schizandrol A)

Caffeine 405mg

*Daily Value Not Established

Other Ingredients: Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Silicon Dioxide, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Beta Carotene, FD&C Red #40.

Gorilla Mode


Rip it energy drink ingredients

The ingredients found per serving in a can of Rip It energy drink: 

  • 100 calories 
  • 80mg of caffeine (less than a lot of the strongest energy drinks)
  • 0g fat
  • 75mg sodium
  • 26g carbohydrates
  • 26g sugars
  • Vitamin C (120% of the recommended daily intake)
  • Vitamin B6 (100% of the recommended daily intake)
  • Vitamin B12 (170% of the recommended daily intake)

There are 2 servings per can.

Trace amounts of: 

  • Carbonated water
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Taurine
  • Citric acid
  • Natural flavor
  • Sodium citrate
  • Inositol
  • Sodium benzoate (preservative)
  • Potassium sorbate (preservative)
  • Guarana seed extract,
  • Ester gum,
  • Yellow 5
  • Folic acid
  • Yellow 6

Muscle Pharm Assault

  • 200mg of caffeine (for energy and focus)
  • 150 mg of Acetyl-L-Carnitine (for energy and focus)
  • 500mg of Taurine (muscle fuel)
  • 500 mg of L-Glycine (more muscle fuel)
  • 1.5g of creatine monohydrate (for strength and performance)
  • 500 mg of Betaine Anhydrous (for strength and performance)
  • Vitamin C (300mg), E (40IU), B6 (20mg) and B12 (50mcg)

Total war pre workout

C4 Original

Wicked Pre Workout

  • Serving Size: 2 Scoops (11g)
  • Servings per Container: 30. Vitamin C 250mg 416% …
  • N.O. Amplification Blend Matrix 5,000mg * …
  • Anabolic Cell Volumizer 4,010mg * …
  • Neurogenic Energizers 390mg * …
  • Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Sucralose, FD&C Red #40.


Dark Energy


Ghost Legend

Bucked Up

Max Pre Workout


Alani Nu Pre Workout Supplement


Lit Pre Workout Supplement


Nutrition Facts

Serving Size  1 Scoop(s)
Servings Per Container  30

Amount Per Serving % DV

Calories 15

Total Carbohydrates 4g 1%
Sodium 15mg 1%
Potassium 100mg 2%
Total Sugars 0g
Includes 0g Added Sugars 0g

Energy & Mental Intensity 5.2 g **
   CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine **
   Micronized Creatine (as Creatine Monohydrate) **
   Caffeine Anhydrous **
   elevATP® (Ancient Peat and Apple Extract) **
   NeuroFactor™ (Coffea arabica)(fruit extract) **
Pump & N.O. Support 4.5 g **
   L-Citrulline **
   Nitrosigine® (Arginine Silicate Inositol) **

** Daily Value (DV) not established.

Other Ingredients

Citric Acid, Natural & Artifical Flavors, Tartaric Acid, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Acetylated Monoglycerides, Calcium Silicate , FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Yellow #5, Glycerin, Polysorbate 80, Potassium Sorbate, Shellac, Talc

Stimulant Free Pre Workout

Mesomorph Pre Workout Supplement



Crazy Bulk Pre Workout



Fuze Xtreme Pre-workout Powder

Fuze Ingredients List

  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Synephrine HCL
  • DMAA
  • Niacin
  • Agamatine Sulfate
  • Hordenine HCL
  • Beta Alanine
  • Taurine
  • +More

Pro Supps No Excite

In addition to caffeine, the following are some other effective, research-backed ingredients we include in our pre workout supplements:

  • TeaCrineTeaCrine is a natural compound that stimulates the central nervous system and increases energy, mental clarity, and focus
  • Nitrosigine: Nitrosigine is a bonded arginine silicate complex that increases nitric oxide production to improve blood flow, boost energy, and enhance focus
  • Beta-Alanine: Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that increases carnosine production and improves muscle endurance during intense workouts
  • L-Citrulline: L-Citrulline is another compound that increases nitric oxide production and improves blood flow during your workouts
  • Creatine: Creatine is an organic compound that increases muscle endurance and stamina while also supporting faster muscle building and better post-workout recovery
  • L-Theanine: L-Theanine is an amino acid found in green and black tea leaves; it increases focus while also promoting a sense of calmness (but not sleepiness)

Maximum Xtreme Pre-workout Supplement

Rockstar Pre-workout Supplement

Musculus Bcaas Xtreme 3100

30 Servings Mango
Serving Size: 1 scoop (6.9g)
Servings Per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving % DV
Sodium 80 mg 3%
L-Leucine 2,500 mg
L-Valine 1,250 mg
L-Isoleucine 1,250 mg
Percent Daily Values are based a on 2,000 calorie diet.
† Daily Value not established.
Other Ingredients:
Malic Acid, Trisodium Citrate, Silica, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, FD&C Yellow 5, FD&C Red 40
PreHD Muscle Pre Workout
Explosion Ripped pre workout
Mutant Madness Pre Workout

Facts4supplement.org reveals the top 25 pre workout supplements for 2022

There are a lot of pre-workout supplements out there, so finding the right one is significant. When found a good supplement, it can make a world of difference in workouts and energy levels. A good supplement will give long-lasting energy and increase performance on lift and reps while increasing focus and mental clarity throughout the day.


Jack 3d

This is one of the top pre-workout supplements right now. It is also one of the few proven effective through numerous third-party tests. Jack 3d’s effects last for hours and include intense energy, extreme muscle pumps, increased endurance, motivation to push through hard sets, overall better workouts, and mental focus. It contains the clinically proven 3 grams of l-citrulline malate. Many pre-workouts contain the less effective 1-2 grams per serving, so this amount shows how strong the jack is. Jack3d’s effects are instantaneous and will energize going in for that extra rep or set, ultimately giving better results in the gym. However, Jack3d is one of the few that won’t do this while still being incredibly effective. It costs around $30 for 50 servings which is a great value.


Gorilla Mode

Gorilla mode is an excellent pre-workout to consider buying. It is one of the best in terms of performance and energy, thanks partly to its 5g creatine blend and 2:1:1 ratio of carbs to protein to amino acids that gives long-lasting energy and focus without a crash later on. It also contains some of the best ingredients for energy, like caffeine and green tea extract. Gorilla mode is a newer pre-workout, but it works very well. It was designed to be stacked with other supplements such as whey protein or casein protein, making it even more effective. This supplement can give long-lasting energy that will push through workouts and help get better results. Gorilla mode costs around $35 for 50 servings.


Rip it up

This pre-workout supplement works by using creatine and beta-alanine to help get better results in

workouts and longer-lasting endurance and energy. It contains three forms of creatine: monohydrate, micronized, and kre-alklyn. This is the only pre-workout supplement that has this ingredient mix. Rip it up is one of the best pre-workouts for weight lifters because it is perfect for getting through those tough final sets. This supplement has many different ingredients and will give the energy to get through the entire workout without feeling drained or exhausted. Best of all, it is cheap and costs around $30 for 50 servings.


Muscle Pharm Assault

There are a lot of great pre-workouts on the market today, but this is one of the top ones. Muscle pharm assault works by using several different ingredients to give lifters increased energy, increased strength, and all-around better workouts. Every serving has about 3 grams of creatine, 2 grams of beta-alanine, 1 gram of citrulline malate, and 700mg caffeine anhydrous to help improves the workout. This pre-workout supplement is excellent for weight lifters because it truly gives the energy to push through those tough workouts. It helps with endurance and strength, making this product perfect for increasing performance in the gym. Assault costs around $30 for 30 servings or around $40 for 60 servings.


Total War

Total war pre workout supplement was designed to help push through workouts and get better results. It contains clinically-tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym. One of these is Creacarb, which helps increase endurance and energy during tough workouts without giving lifters any jitters or making feel nauseous like some other supplements do. Total war pre-workout supplements is one of the best because it contains all-natural ingredients and will not give any side effects. It helps with better workouts and increased endurance, strength, and energy to get through the entire training. This product costs around $35 for 50 servings which is a good value.


C4 Original

C4 pre workout supplements is one of the most popular today, and it has been around for a long time. It was the first to use Arginine AKG and nitric oxide. Many other companies have since copied its formula, which contains creatine, beta-alanine, caffeine, and arginine AKG, among other ingredients, to help get better results in the gym. c4 pre workout supplements is one of the best because it has been around for a long time and has had lots of time to prove itself. It helps give better workouts, more energy, and endurance and is very affordable at only $20 for 30 servings, making this product perfect if for budgeters.


Mutant Madness Pre Workout

This pre-workout supplement is designed for high-intensity interval training, which means it will help increase endurance and stamina during workouts. It was explicitly intended to be taken 30 minutes before a workout that involves cardio exercises like running or jumping jacks. This pre-workout supplement only costs around $25 for 30 servings and is one of the cheapest on the market today. This pre-workout supplement is perfect for weight lifters because it will help get through those tough cardio workouts without draining energy beforehand. It contains glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration not to feel as exhausted after a workout.


Wicked Pre Workout

This is one of the best pre-workout supplements because it contains clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym. This pre-workout supplement helps give overall better workouts and increased endurance, strength, and energy to get through the entire workout. This product will still help increase energy and give a better workout. This product costs around $30 for 30 servings which is a good value for money.


Dark Energy

Dark energy pre workout supplement is designed to give an intense energy boost during workouts. It contains clinically-tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym. Dark energy pre workout supplement helps give overall better workouts and increased endurance, strength, and energy to get through the entire workout. This product will still help increase energy and giving a better workout. This product costs around $25 for 30 servings.


Ghost Legend

This pre-workout supplement is perfect for weight lifters because it will help get through those tough cardio workouts without draining energy beforehand. It contains an ingredient called glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration not to feel as exhausted after a workout. In addition to this, this product also contains one ingredient, which makes it very unique. This product includes ghost pepper extract, which helps get rid of bloating and gives more energy to help get through the whole workout. This product costs around $30.


Bucked Up

This pre-workout supplement is designed to give an intense energy boost during workouts. It contains clinically-tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym. Bucked-up pre-workout supplement helps gives better workouts and increased endurance, strength, and energy to get through the entire workout. Even if it’s not a full hour of cardio exercises, this product will still help increase energy and give a better workout. Bucked Up product costs around $25 for 30 servings.


Lit Pre-workout Supplement

This pre-workout supplement is perfect for weight lifters because it will help get through those tough cardio workouts without draining energy beforehand. It contains glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration not to feel as drained after a workout. In addition to this, this product also contains one ingredient, which makes it very unique. This product contains ghost pepper extract, which helps get rid of bloating and gives more energy to help get through the whole workout. LIT pre-workout supplement costs around $20 for 20 servings which is a very reasonable price considering the unique ingredients included in this product.


Max Pre Workout

This pre-workout supplement is designed to give an intense energy boost during workouts. It contains clinically-tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym. Max pre-workout supplement helps give overall better workouts and increased endurance, strength, and energy to get through the entire workout. This product will still help increase energy and giving a better workout. This product costs around $25 for 30 servings.


Alani Nu Pre Workout Supplement

This pre-workout supplement is perfect for weight lifters because it will help  get through those tough cardio workouts without draining energy beforehand. It contains glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration not to feel as drained after a workout. In addition to this, this product also contains one ingredient, which makes it very unique. This product includes ghost pepper extract, which helps get rid of bloating and gives more energy to help get through the whole workout. Alani nu pre-workout supplement costs around $30 for 30

servings, but the price is worth it considering the ingredients included in this product.


Lit Pre Workout Supplement

This pre-workout supplement is designed to give an intense energy boost during workouts. It contains clinically-tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym. Lit pre-workout supplement helps give overall better workouts and increased endurance, strength, and energy to get through the entire workout. This product costs around $25 for 30 servings.


Stimulant Free Pre Workout

The supplement that will give energy without making feel jittery or nauseous, this is the perfect pre-workout supplement for lifters. It contains clinically-tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym, and none of the components will produce  jittery or nauseous. Stimulant-free pre-workout supplement costs $25.


Mesomorph Pre Workout Supplement

This pre-workout supplement contains clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym and increase energy and focus during workouts. Mesomorph pre-workout supplement also contains a clinically tested component called glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration, so weight trainers don’t feel as drained after a workout. This product costs around $25.


Crazy Bulk Pre Workout

This pre-workout supplement contains clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym. It is an entirely stimulant-free formula that will not make weight trainers feel jittery or nauseous, and it is perfect for those who want an added energy boost during their workouts without feeling sick afterward—crazy bulk pre-workout supplement costs around $25 for 30 servings.


Fuze Xtreme Pre-workout Powder

This product contains clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym and increase energy and focus during workouts. FUZE Xtreme pre-workout powder also contains a clinically tested ingredient called glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration so that trainers don’t feel as drained after a workout. This product costs around $25 for 30 servings.


Musculus XT Pre-workout Supplement

This pre-workout supplement contains clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym. Musculus xt pre-workout supplement also contains a clinically tested ingredient called glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration, so lifters don’t feel as

drained after a workout. This product costs around $25 for 30 servings.


Pro Supps No Excite

This pre-workout supplement is stimulant-free, which means that it will not make trainers feel jittery or nauseous. It contains clinically-tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in

the gym and increase energy and focus during workouts. Pro Supps No Excite Pre Workout supplement costs $25 for 30 servings.


Maximum Xtreme Pre-workout Supplement

This product contains clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym and increase energy and focus during workouts. Maximum Xtreme pre-workout supplement also contains a clinically tested ingredient called glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration, so gym rats don’t feel as drained after a workout. This product costs $25 for 30 servings.


Rockstar Pre-workout Supplement

This product contains clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym and increase energy and focus during workouts. Rockstar pre-workout supplement also contains a clinically tested ingredient called glycerol, which helps increase stamina and hydration.


Explosion Ripped pre workout

This product contains clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to improve performance in the gym and increase energy and focus during workouts. It looks like a pre-workout supplement also contains a clinically tested ingredient called glycerol, which helps increase stamina and

hydration so that weight trainers don’t feel as drained after a workout. This product costs $35 for 45 servings.


PreHD Muscle Pre Workout

This product is designed for those who use a protein supplement post-workout. It contains 3100mg of amino acids, which helps muscles recover and grow faster after a workout. This product costs around $29 for 30 servings.



All of these pre-workout supplements have clinically tested ingredients that have been shown to provide good results. When choosing which one is right for the consumer, consider a persons goals and dietary restrictions. For those looking to lose weight and keep their appetite under control, selecting a stimulant-free one might be a good idea, as those ingredients combined with a low carbohydrate meal can help control hunger levels.


**Find the ingredient list at

https://facts4supplement.org/pre-workout-supplements-ingredients-list/ **




Top 25 Protein bars reviewed

Top 25 Protein Bars of 2022


Protein bars are a versatile nibble that is incredible when you do not have enough time to eat but want to eat a small healthy bite on the go. They’re super helpful when you are travelling or if you have to grab a meal after or before exercising. Though finding the right and pure protein bar can become overwhelming. This article is going to inform you about the top 25 protein bars. We have also added the links so you can order your protein bars right from this article.


gatorade protein bar


This protein bar is plant-based and is something you should not miss on. It contains 14 grams of USDA organic protein that is totally plant-based, 10 grams of fiber, just 5 grams of sugar and nothing artificial is added. It is a package of wholesome ingredients with high fibre and is paleo-friendly. It contains no stevia and no sugar alcohols, is dairy-free, soy-free, and gluten-free. The protein bar is vegan and has a low-carb count with the benefits of USDA. Pumpkin seeds and peanuts steal the show when it comes to this protein bar.


Kind protein bar produced by KIND are dense in nutrients, are gluten-free and contain peanuts that are healthy for your heart and can be termed as the best ingredient in a protein bar.

The bar contains 12 gram of plant proteins. It is about twenty-five percent larger than the classic KIND protein bars. These Kosher snacks provide you with a healthy snack that is quite convenient when you have less time. The bar has low glycemic levels and is good for your health.


The Gatorade protein bar is created with 20 grams of combined milk protein and great-quality whey protein that helps you in rebuilding your muscles so that you get a boost of energy after you have exercised. Every protein bar contains 42 grams of carbs that help you replenish your energy for the next workout session. This bar was specifically crafted for athletes as a refuel. The protein bar has been used by the NBA, NHL, MLB and NFL is available to you as well.


Kirkland Protein bar is Kosher certified, is gluten-free and is non-GMO. The protein bar contains 15 grams of fiber, and has no added artificial flavors. The protein bar is very tasty and is made up of real chocolate. These bars are available in six different flavors which means you are in for a treat. One bar of this bar has 21gms of protein in it that makes the protein content in your body more sustained.


How often do you find a vegan protein bar and more difficult than that is finding organic protein bars. This protein bar has a chewy texture with the amazing flavor of chocolate cookie dough that makes it very delicious. It is both vegan and organic and contains 10 grams of protein that is plant-based. It is lactose-free, gluten-free, has no artificial flavors, kosher certified, non-GMO and is non-dairy.


RXBAR’s protein bars are loaded with nutrients, gooey and chewy and is available in two flavors, which are Chocolate Almond and Peanut Butter Chocolate. It contains about 14 grams of protein. It contains a lot of wholesome ingredients and to sweeten it up honey and dates are used. It tastes like candy but contains only 4 grams of sugar. So if you are a person who does not consume sugar then this is one of the best protein bars you can go for.


When you can’t decide what you are craving this is your best bet. You will be satisfied after having this protein bar with rich chocolate and peanuts. The best ingredient in this protein bar is the whey protein concentrate that is grass-fed. It is loaded with 7 grams of fiber and just 4 grams of added sugar. The protein bar tastes amazing and contains omega-3 fatty acids that are really healthy for your heart.


The original protein bar made by RXBAR is also a top choice for most fans of protein bars. It is loaded with nutritional real ingredients and each bar contains 12gms of protein. The bars are gluten-free and contain 5 grams of fiber. They have no added sugars as they are sweetened using only top-quality dates. You can even go for the plant-based protein bars. If you prefer the original protein flavor over the flavored bars this can become your favorite.


Crafted by registered dietitians, these bars  are quite chewy and are totally plant-based and gloat a solid 10 grams of protein and also 7 grams of protein. The Coconut Vitality Bar that has dark chocolate is made up of shaved macaroon-style coconuts and gives the same flavor as Almond joy. It is GMO-free, Gluten-free and has all the ingredients that you need to have a boost of energy in every bite you take.


These bars are made from the heart, for all the protein bar lovers out there. The blend of peanut butter and chocolate chips makes this bar irresistible. The bar is made from wholesome ingredients such as organic oats (whole grain) and does not contain any sugar alcohol, gluten, GMOs or dairy. It is loaded with 4 grams of fiber and 11 grams of fiber. It only has 7gms of added sugar which makes it the perfect snack.


The bars are low in sugar, are plant-based and have been rated at the top on Amazon. They come in a number of flavors. It contains no gluten and is both tasty and soft. The protein is created by blending brown rice and fava beans and is loaded with 11 gram of fiber. So a protein bar that has the taste exactly like candy but side by side is very healthy, soft and tasty has become a reality.


The primary fixing in this soft protein bar is almond butter. The almond butter alone makes up for 10gms of protein that is plant-based in each bar. You will get actually bits of dried blueberries in every bite that adds an amazing flavor to the bar. They just taste like cookies that melt in your mouth with the goodness of almond butter. The protein bar is free of dairy and gluten and is only made up of nutritional ingredients.


The protein bar [https://gratisfied.com/products/empower-bar-original] is free of dairy and gluten. It is made up of grains, seeds and nuts which makes the bar a low carb delicious option packed with 12 grams of protein. The motto of the company is “Eat Real Food”. Following this, the team has created this protein bar that is very close to nature.


The bar [https://88acres.com/collections/protein-bars/products/protein-bar-sample-pack] is only made up of 6 ingredients and has 12 grams of protein. They are vegan, free of nuts and gluten, and are soft baked bars that are made up of plant-based protein that is gained from pumpkin seeds. All the ingredients are real and are a good option for people suffering from allergies as it contains neither of the top eight allergens.


The bar [https://88acres.com/collections/protein-bars/products/protein-bar-sample-pack] is crafted by a natural food chef and registered nurse who challenged her patients to become vegan for just a day. These high fiber, low sugar and nut-based protein bars have the power to change anyone into a vegan. They are rich in antioxidants such as flax and chia seeds, 13 grams of fiber and only 3 grams of added sugar.


The bar [https://moshlife.com/products/peanut-butter-crunch] was crafted with a goal to get improvement in a person’s brain health via the help of nutrients and adaptogens. You have four flavors to choose from and the bar does not contain any added sugar. A percentage of the earnings go for Alzheimer’s research. That is a healthy bar with a healthy cause.


The natural ingredients in this bar are grain, granola and hemp which is plant-based. They are gluten-free, crunchy and soft. Each bar has nuts, seeds, 12 grams of protein and this makes this a very good choice for a quick healthy snack.


Made with an objective to assist individuals to easily move away from sugar, the bars [https://bhufoods.com/products/keto-protein-bar-peanut-butter-chocolate-chip-cookie-dough?sscid=11k6_4ccjw&] are low carb, delicious and creamy. The best part is you don’t have to go on a keto diet to enjoy these treats. They are made from organic ingredients, have 13 gms of protein, only a gm of sugar and 11 grams of fiber.


This bar [https://www.eatiqbar.com/products/matcha-chai] is crafted by a Harvard graduate who was in search of a low-carb, ready to eat, healthy option. It incorporates six nutrients that boost your brain such as vitamin E, omega-3s, and flavonoids. The bars are free of dairy, gluten and soy and additionally are vegan, paleo-approved and keto-friendly. It comes with unique flavors that will make your experience better and your tongue will be overjoyed.


These protein bars [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N7CO07X?ots=1&linkCode=ogi&tag=goodhousekeeping_auto-append-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C10055.g.33597593%5Bsrc%7C%5Bch%7C%5Blt%7C] are rich in fibre, are made up of plant-based ingredients, are gluten-free and have both prebiotics and probiotics. They also have a blend of superfood ingredients such as acai powder, turmeric and mushrooms. It has more protein that is 10 gms and less sugar that is around 5 gms. It is sweetened naturally and is loaded with protein that is plant-based.


These protein bars  come in flavors such as Marshmallow Hot Cocoa, Pumpkin Pie and Birthday Cake. Thus these are very effective in curing sugar addiction plus are loaded with protein that is quite essential after an intense workout. Each bar is packed with 20 grams of protein that is higher than most of the protein bars available in the market.


This bar [https://slowup.co/?sscid=11k6_4dl6i&] of protein was crafted by a chef who wanted to munch on a healthy snack while she was working in a restaurant. These protein bars are made from real and whole ingredients. It is claimed that these protein bars are the first of its kind fresh food bars and are perishable. They are free from dairy, preservatives, soy and gluten and are loaded with 11 grams of protein.

23. Myprotein Carb Crusher

Every bar [https://www.myprotein.com/sports-nutrition/carb-crusher/12116536.html?affil=awin&utm_content=TechRadar&utm_term=Editorial+Content&utm_source=AWin-103504&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=AffiliateWin&sv_campaign_id=103504&sv_tax1=affiliate&sv_tax2=&sv_tax3=Future+Publishing.&sv_tax4=0&awc=3196_1641344584_0d1a91e30eea326ba156d2e2633971a2] weighs 60 grams and contains 21 grams of protein that is quite high. The calories that each bar contains is 212. The best thing about these bars is making extremely sweet flavors tasty such as strawberry cheesecake. There is only 2.7 grams of added sugar that is quite low. If you want to enjoy sweet flavors without worrying about consuming a lot of sugar then you can go for this healthy option.

24. Optimum Nutrition Protein Crisp Bar

Optimal Nutrition [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07RL5LW1F?tag=coachmag-in-2331126860442666000&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&ascsubtag=6437] does not take the traditional route but instead makes protein bars from rice puffs and uses chocolate as a base that makes its taste amazing. Whenever your stomach rumbles you can grab this protein-rich bar and remove the hunger. It contains 20grams of protein in every bar and only 1.8 grams of added sugar which is amazing.

25. OnePro Protein Bar

These bars [https://onepronutrition.com/product/protein-bar-peanut-cacao/] hold 17 grams of protein in every bar. These vegan bars are extremely satisfying and healthy. It has low calories and low levels of sugar. The ingredients used in making this protein bar are all real and will help you reach your goals of being fit. They do not have any artificial sweeteners and are gluten-free. So go hit the gym with this protein bar in your pocket!


So these are the top 25 protein bars. Hope you won’t get lost in the protein bar aisle and would now know which protein bar would be the best for you.


Looking for a diet plan check out our article about Keto vs Paleo diet

Check out our article about protein here