Sleep Music

SLEEP – The most important part of begin healthy. You can eat healthy, work out, train at the gym, take every vitamin and still you will be unhealthy if you don’t sleep. You have tried everything to fall asleep but you can’t. Can sleep music actually help you?

sleep music

Sleep music

Using sleep music has been proven to help calm your racing mind so you can fall asleep moments after you go to bed. Sleep music can also help you stay asleep. Using tempo and sound sleep music is affective to helping you calm down and relax your mind before you go to sleep and while you are asleep. If you pay attention to your heartbeat while you are listening to different tempos of music then you will understand this concept.

Why is sleep so important?

  • Recharge your mind – A good sleep minimum of 7 hours will recharge your brain allowing your subconscious to process all the information throughout the day. Picture your mind as a washing machine. All day you throw laundry (the information) and when you sleep your mind will run the wash cycle. When you wake up in the morning all your laundry is done and ready to wear the next day.
  • Fights sickness – When you sleep your body gets to work fighting off any viruses or infections that may have found its way into the body. When you are asleep your body can then use its energy to fight off the intruder in your body.
  • Heals your muscles – When you are training you make little tears in your muscles. The body needs to use the nutrients you have put into your body to heal these muscles making them stronger. If you get the 8 hours you need of sleep you will find that your muscles heal faster and stronger getting rid of the soreness quicker than if you were to only sleep 4-6 hours. Sleep and muscles building go hand in hand.
  • Keeps your health in check – Sleep helps with keeping blood pressure in check. If you are sleep deprived areas that are affected are usually high blood pressure, heart attack and heart failure. Getting the right amount of sleep can aid in keeping you heart healthy.

Sleep music and meditation

Usually you can’t fall asleep or stay asleep it has to do with your brain activity. When you use calming sleep music with mediation this will relax the brain activity and put you more in a calm state. When you are in a calm state and add meditation you can steer your thoughts into a positive light and this will help you stay asleep longer. Without any anxiety or stress you can sleep normally.

Getting yourself ready for bed

If you don’t have a routine before your bedtime then your body wont know its time to start to relax and go to sleep. Using sleep music can help with this process. Create a routine you do about 30 minutes before bed time. Stay away from watching tv and other mind stimulates. Setting a schedule is key. You will then have a bed time when you body clock will automatically start relaxing in time for bed. A habit isn’t created overnight you have to create this over a period of no less than 21 days. Stick to this schedule and routine to see how much this can help you fall asleep.

Sleep apnea

When you are sleeping you have no idea what your sleep patterns are. If you share your bed with your partner they might shed some light on what your patterns are. If you have excessive snoring or move around a lot you might not be getting enough oxygen when you sleep. Snoring and moving around can be a sigh you have sleep apnea. You should definitely go through a sleep study and get the help you need. Now that you know what sleep deprivation can do to you book your appointment today. There are also products on the market today that can help you with your snoring until you can go get evaluated. If you snore you can be giving your partner a bad nights sleep as well. Don’t be selfish stop the snoring.

Sleep Music



Steps to helping you sleep better

  1. Create a bed time routine
  2. Do this routine for no less than 21 days straight
  3. Use sleep music to calm your brain
  4. Use meditation with sleep music to relax
  5. Try sleep remedies or programs to help you get your best nights sleep in years